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Celtic-Plus Event and Proposers' Day in Stockholm
February 22-23, 2012 Stockholm, Sweden
1) Celtic-Plus Event and Proposers’ Day 2012 on 22 to 23 February 2012 in Stockholm

Please be reminded that the next Celtic-Plus Event and Proposers’ Day will take place on 22 and 23 February 2012 in Stockholm. The event will provide an opportunity to learn about the status and successful results of Celtic-Plus projects and new concepts to intensify the research work towards a Smart Connected World. A registration fee of 220 euro (w/o VAT) includes event participation, dinner and catering. Please register as soon as possible at https://www.celticplus.eu/Events/Event2012-Stockholm/default.asp.

The Proposers’ Day session on 22nd February targets mainly the next call on 21 May this would be now the right moment to present your idea and to find other interested consortium partners to join in. Specify your project idea to be presented and discussed at https://www.celticplus.eu/Events/Event2012-Stockholm/Proposers-day/Registration-proposers-Stockholm.asp. We encourage everybody to indicate a possible project idea as soon as possible. This will allow us to organize some meaningful network possibilities with potentially interested partners. The proposers’ day session (morning only) is free of charge.

2) Reminder next Celtic-Plus call deadline 21 May 2012

The deadline of the Celtic-Plus “spring call” has been moved to 21 May 2012 (previously 21 March). This shift should give now all proposers more time to prepare a new Celtic-Plus proposal after the Celtic-Plus Event. We remind all potential proposers that in addition to submitting new innovative projects it is also possible to pursue FP7 ICT projects that are completed or are being completed, with a Celtic-Plus project, if partners are willing to collaborate further in a project closer to the market. The Celtic-Plus call calendar for 2012 is as follows:

- Spring Call (2012-1): Submission deadline 21 May 2012; labelling until end May

- Autumn Call (2012-2): Submission deadline 15 October 2012; labelling end November

Further details about the call preparation, possible research items, and availability of pubic funding are accessible at: https://www.celticplus.eu/Project-calls/Call-2012/call-2012-information.asp